Upcoming Seminars

Water is a precious resource and is becoming increasingly scarce. Veolia Water Technologies is committed to helping professionals best manage this resource by holding engaging educational seminars held by leading water treatment professionals.
Technical Seminar

Join Us at One of Our Upcoming Educational Events

We are committed to providing continuing education to individuals within the industries and municipalities we serve. It is our goal to support you in the pursuit of expanding your knowledge in the advancements and best practices related to water and wastewater treatment. 

Below is our currently scheduled in-person educational events.  These seminars allow attendees to interact with leading water and wastewater experts. We hope you are able to join us at one of these events.   


Actual Feedback from Past Attendees

“Good variety of topics”

“Presenters knew their stuff!”

“Thank you for an informative and interactive day”

“Very informative!”

Browse Our Upcoming Eductional Events

Classe de Maître sur
le traitement des effluents miniers et la transformation des minéraux critiques

Notre classe de maître sera dirigée par des spécialistes expérimentés du traitement de l'eau qui discuteront et partageront des études de cas sur un large éventail de sujets concernant les minéraux critiques et le traitement des effluents miniers. 

Cary (Raleigh), NC | Wednesday - October 23, 2024
End-to-End Water Management Masterclass for Pharma & Biotech

Join us for our upcoming educational technical event. Our comprehensive masterclass will be hosted by international water purification, instrumentation, and wastewater specialists who will discuss and share case studies on a wide range of water-related topics.

This Masterclass will Cover these Areas:

  • Purified Water / WFI Generation
  • Wastewater, API, Micropollutant Treatment
  • Created Water & Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategies
  • Operational Efficiency & Green Energy Opportunities
  • And More...