Veolia Water Technologies provides comprehensive chemical services using its Hydrex™ line of chemical formulations.
Our more than 400 formulations help clients optimize the full water cycle, chemical consumption and operation & maintenance costs. Hydrex™ has a proven track record worldwide as an effective water treatment solution to:
- Protect Against Scale Deposition, Corrosion and Fouling
- Improve Water Treatment Efficiency
- Reduce Unnecessary Downtime
- Protect Asset Integrity
- Reduce Environmental Risks
- Increase Energy Savings
The Veolia Difference - Creating Water Efficiency Partnerships
Where Chemical Expertise, Impeccable Service, and Quality Chemical Technologies Meet
Using Hydrex™ our committed service staff will be able to identify synergies between customer operational goals and utility and water treatment equipment. Customers will have access to a dedicated service representative who will provide comprehensive care of your assets.
After performing an audit of the facility, our experts will propose the most efficient Hydrex™ treatment program. This customized approach ensures that the results of your chemical treatment program meet your operational goals and efficiently extend the life of your water-using equipment.
MSDS Documentation Request for Hydrex
MSDS Global Incident Response Hotline Service
US: +1-760-476-3962 (Code: 333239)
USA/Canada Hydrex Key Contact Information:
US-Industrial Contact Info
US-Municipal Contact Info
Canada Industrial & Municipal Contact Info
Key Hydrex Treatment Capabilities
- Boilers
- Cooling Towers
- Wastewater Systems
- Potable Water Systems
- Membrane Systems
- Water Reuse
- Production Additives
- Heating/Air Conditioning Systems
- Dust Control
- Oil Wells
We Support Several Industries
- Colleges & Universities
- Hospitals & Healthcare
- Commercial Properties
- Mining
- Oil & Gas
- Food & Beverage
- Chemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
- Personal Care / Cosmetics
- Primary Metals
- Cosmetics
- Biofuels
- General Industry
- Power
HydrexTM Chemical Service Program Restores Pipe Condition, Prevents Corrosion, and Mitigates Scaling

PROJECT: Sulfuric Acid Plant
LOCATION: United States
A Sulfuric Acid recovery plant was experiencing severe corrosion in their plant water supply piping. Two 2” galvanized supply lines feeding their production process were almost completely plugged, preventing water flow to the plant. The client was planning to perform a $1,000,000 CAPEX project to replace the failing infrastructure. Veolia was contacted by the client to see if there was a chemical services program that could mitigate the issue.
After performing a comprehensive facility audit, a pilot test on sacrificial sections of the corroded and plugged piping, Veolia found that a 20% solution of Hydrex 2978 which was circulated through the piping for approximately 30 hours was an effective solution to restore the pipe's condition. After the pilot, a full-scale program was installed at the customer site.
- Heat exchanger water flow and efficiency restored
- $1M Capital equipment replacement eliminated
- Long-Term Prevention of Corrosion and Scaling
The Hydrex™ Product Line
Boiler Water Treatment Products
Hydrex 1000 Series
Ideal for boiler and heating applications in low, medium and high pressure boilers.
This product series includes:
- Scale inhibitors
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Antifoams
- Oxygen scavengers
- Steam and condensate treatment
- Green products
Cooling Water Treatment Products
Hydrex 2000 Series
Improves the efficiency and reliability in open, closed and once-through cooling water systems
This product series includes:
- Scale inhibitors
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Dispersants
- Antifoulants
Potable Water Treatment Products
Hydrex 3000 Series
Approved for potable water applications.
This product series includes:
- Flocculants
- Coagulants
- Green chemistry
- GRAS/NSF approved products
Membrane Treatment Products
Hydrex 4000 Series
Ideal for Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration treatment systems.
This product series includes:
- Membrane antiscalants
- Biocides
- Chlorine removal chemicals
- Cleaners
- Antifoulants/Dispersants
Wastewater Treatment Products
Hydrex 6000 Series
Used in water purification, industrial process and both municipal & industrial wastewater treatment systems.
This product series includes:
- Coagulants
- Demulsifiers
- Dewatering Aids
- Flocculants
- Antifoaming agents
- Odor Control
- Metals Removal
- Green chemistry
Hydrex 7000 Series
Used to control the growth of bacteria, fungi and algae in cooling water, process water, recycled water and wastewater systems.
This product series includes:
- Oxidizing and nonoxidizing products
- Cooling and Process use registrations
- Legionella prevention
- Broad spectrum of products
Industrial Application Products
Hydrex 8000 Series
Intended for industrial processing applications.
This product series includes:
- Chain lubricants
- Food and beverage processing
- Biofuels processing
- Upstream oil & gas processing
- C.I.P. cleaners
- Mining processing
Other Chemical Applications
Hydrex 9000 Series
Solutions for each specific requirement in terms of chemical water conditioning including custom-made formulations.
This product series includes:
- Thermal desalination
- Dust control
- Miscellaneous and bulk chemicals