Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies & Services

for the Food and Beverage Industry
Food and Beverage

The demands made on Food & Beverage companies are numerous.  Veolia Water Technologies understands these challenges and has experience in helping organizations achieve their goals in:

  • Regulatory Compliance 
  • Sewer Surcharge Reduction
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Product Quality 
  • Increased Resource Recovery
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Corporate Sustainability Initiatives

Veolia is experienced in the design and implementation of standard and customized technologies for the food & beverage industry

Veolia Water Technologies is trusted by leading Food & Beverage companies across the globe and has successfully executed more than 1,400 projects worldwide. 

Veolia provides its clients with an integrated approach to water management using innovative technologies, equipment, chemistry, and services. Our customer-focused culture combined with comprehensive water management capabilities make Veolia a preferred partner for all water and wastewater related projects.

See how Veolia Water Technologies are supporting food and beverage clients with a wide range of technology, project, and service offerings.

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Ingredient (Production) Water

Production facilities need a continuous and safe supply of water.  Veolia’s technologies ensure that the production of ingredient water is reliable, cost effective, and meets the highest quality standards that your operation demands.

Utility Water
Food and Beverage manufacturers rely upon their utility operations to provide reliable steam and cooling water to support production needs.  Veolia’s equipment and chemical technologies effectively produce the type of water your utilities need to ensure steam quality, heat exchange efficiency and environmental compliance.

Product Filtration
Ensure product quality and clarity with Veolia’s fine filtration technologies. These systems are a safe and economical method to remove suspended solids and other unwanted particles from your product.

Veolia is experienced in helping clients reduce their financial exposure and comply with discharge requirements and stringent environmental regulations. 

Anaerobic Treatment
Convert Waste & Wastewater to Energy
Anaerobic treatment technologies offer a dual benefit for food and beverage facilities.  They simultaneously treat a wide range of waste and wastewater streams while creating energy-rich biogas as a by-product that can be used to produce “green” electricity or heat. 

Water Recycling & Reuse
Food production is a water-intensive industry.  Veolia understands this and is able to help clients meet water reduction goals and minimize their environmental impact by implementing technologies that convert wastewater into water that can be reused elsewhere. 

Nutrient Recovery
Veolia’s sustainable approach to water can transform waste into valuable by-products, such as fertilizer, that can be reused or sold. 

The Hershey Company

PROJECT: Wastewater Treatment Facility
LOCATION: Pennsylvania, United States
COD: 34,570 lb/day


> Biothane Biobed® EGSB
AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR (moving bed biofilm reactor)
> IDRAFLOT™ DAF (dissolved air flotation)
Hydrotech Discfiltration
> SULFOTHANE™ Biogas Desulfurization

A leading confectionery company approached Veolia to design a complete wastewater process to replace their aging treatment facility. Veolia designed, installed, and commissioned a robust process that utilizes several technologies to remove solids, BOD, nitrogen, and other contaminants. In addition to successfully treating the wastewater, the facility produces green energy as a by-product to help offset the energy costs.

Explore this Facility - Infographic (PDF)

Key Technologies

Biothane® High-Rate Anaerobic Treatment System

Anaerobic granular wastewater treatment process designed to effectively remove COD/BOD, while simultaneously generating green energy as a by-product

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Memthane® Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR)

High-strength wastewater treatment process that reduces BOD while producing a high-quality effluent that can be reused or discharged directly to sewer

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AnoxKaldnes™ MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor)

High-performance aerobic wastewater treatment technology engineered to effectively remove BOD/COD and nitrogen

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NEOSEPTM MBR Immersed Membrane Bioreactor

Activated sludge treatment with immersed membrane filtration to produce a high-quality permeate

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Actiflo® High-Rate Clarifier/Softener

Small-footprint technology in which water is flocculated with microsand and polymer to increase settling velocity for the removal of more than 99% of TSS

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Hydrotech Drumfilters & Discfilters

Filtration technology that uses woven media panels to remove suspended solids greater than 10 microns

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SIRIONTM Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

Advanced membrane based water filtration systems engineered to create a high-quality permeate for utility equipment, ingredient water, or water reuse applications

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NURIONTM Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

A membrane-based, high-purity water system with a hygienic design that can plug-and-play into your facility

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Flexible and automated water treatment systems used to soften, dealkalize, deionize, or demineralize water for utility or process applications

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Whittier Filtration - Auto-Jet™ 

Superior precoat pressure leaf filters used for fine filtration (> 1 micron) to improve product clarity and quality in liquids, gelatins, and syrups

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Efficient equipment designed to remove particles, odors, and organics to improve intake water quality for use in utilities and manufacturing

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IDRAFLOT® Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

An innovative and effective wastewater treatment technology based on a unique modular design to remove suspended solids and FOG (fats, oils, and grease)

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EVALED® Evaporators

Highly reliable and cost-effective evaporation technology designed to reduce wastewater volume, produce a high-quality, reusable distillate and recover valuable by-products

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  • Food Processing
  • Beverage Production
  • Breweries
  • Wineries
  • Distilleries
  • Dairy / Cheese
  • Sweeteners
  • Snacks
  • Grain / Cereal Production
  • Vegetable Processing
  • Wet Corn & Oilseed Processing
  • Meat & Poultry Processing
  • Biofuel Production
  • Aquaculture

MadTree Brewing

SERVICES: HydrexTM Utility & Water Services
TECHNOLOGY: SirionTM Mega Reverse Osmosis
LOCATION: Cincinnati, Ohio

MadTree Brewing relies on Veolia for integrated water treatment equipment and services. Veolia installed a SirionTM Mega Reverse Osmosis (RO) system to ensure that all of the water used in MadTree's brewing process is of the highest quality. In addition to providing this equipment solution, Veolia regularly performs a comprehensive service checklist on their entire water infrastructure. The program includes maintenance and testing of the Sirion Mega RO system, as well as boiler water chemistry services. With this integrated approach, Veolia is able to maximize the operational efficiency and lifespan of MadTree's systems.

Read the Related Article: Crafting H2O with MadTree Brewing

Meet Our Team

Brian McGovern

Brian McGovern

Industrial Business Development Manager

Richmond, VA

Dan Cooper

Director of Business Development

Los Angeles, California

Jamie Hawes

Business Development Manager - Heavy & Light Industry


Phil Stanga

Phil Stanga

Director  of Business Development

Dayton, OH

More services for our food and beverage clients

A combination of digital tools and Veolia expertise that make all your water processes smarter, safer and more sustainable.
Bundling high performance specialty chemicals, innovative dosing and controlling equipment with related expert support.
Experienced on-site specialists to assist with start-up, commissioning, troubleshooting, operating, maintenance & repair services.
Rental assets to support and assist your site operations for temporary and longer-term water treatment needs 24/7.

FAQ about water solutions for food and beverage companies

How is water used in the food and beverage industry chain?

Process water 
Process water is used for equipment and installation cleaning, washing of raw materials, the transportation of products, flushing and much more. The water is typically potable water grade, a requirement for product contact applications.
Our technologies: IonsoftSirionRapide Strata

Ingredient water  
Ingredient water is a higher-grade process water. It is typically used in the fabrication of soft drinks, bottled waters and infant nutrition products. Potable water is treated using hygienically designed equipment to manage microbial contamination risks while minimizing the use of chemicals that could compromise the end product.
Our technologies: NurionPurBev / HyBevSirion

Utility water 
Food and beverage manufacturers rely on their utility operations to provide reliable steam and cooling water to support production needs. 
Our technologies:  IonsoftSirionRapide Strata

Wastewater and sludge 

Food and beverage manufacturing results in wastewaters with high levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nutrients due to the presence of leftover organic materials. Treatment is often required to ensure discharge compliance and avoid costly penalties. Variability in production runs can make treatment more complicated. Within this application, we offer anaerobic treatment and nutrient recovery.

Our technologies:  Idraflot, Biothane, AnoxKaldnes


Water recycling and reuse  

Food production is a water-intensive industry. Short-loop recycling is used within processes to optimize in-process water usage and reduce the load on the wastewater plant. Wastewater can be appropriately treated and recycled back to non-food contact applications.

Our technologies: NeosepSirionUflex